Anjali Kara

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Anjali Kara (* 23. Februar 1982) ist eine indische Pornodarstellerin.

Anjali Kara
Geburtsdatum:23. Februar 1982
(Alter: 43) Fische
Geburtsort:Indien o. England
BH-Größe:70E (32DD)
Größe:152 (4 ft 12 in)
Pseudonym(e):Anjali, Adore Anjali
Anzahl Filme:21
Filme auf DVD


Titel Studio Jahr
Baby Loves the Shaft 1 Killergram 2006
Baby Loves the Shaft 2 Killergram 2006
Baby Loves the Shaft 3 Killergram 2007
Baby Loves the Shaft 4 Killergram 2007
Baby Loves the Shaft 5 Killergram 2007
European Blonde Ambitions 1 Playhouse 2006
European Blonde Ambitions 2 Playhouse 2007
European Blonde Ambitions 4 Playhouse 2007
European Ethnic Honeyz 1 Killergram 2006
European Ethnic Honeyz 2 Killergram 2006
European Ethnic Honeyz 3 Killergram 2007
European Ethnic Honeyz 4 Killergram 2007
European Porn Stalkers Playhouse 2005
Experience Anjali 1 Pornostatic 2003
Experience Anjali 2 Rude Brittania 2005
Fit Mama Slammers 1 Playhouse 2006
Hardcore Club Babes 1 Playhouse 2007
Hardcore Honeyz Rude Brittania 2005
Hardcore Rock Chicks 1 Playhouse 2007
On a Dogging Mission 1 Playhouse 2006
On a Dogging Mission 10 Playhouse 2007


  • Anjali-Kara-Filme auf DVD bestellen