Sharon Kane

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(Weitergeleitet von Sharon Kain)
Sharon Kane
Geburtsdatum:24. Februar 1956
(Alter: 69) Fische
Geburtsort:Ohio, USA
Körpermaße:86-64-91 cm
(34-25-36 in)
BH-Größe: 75 D (34C), Silikon
Größe:167 cm (5 ft 6 in)
Gewicht: 58 kg (128 lb)
Pseudonym(e):Karen Kane, Sharon Kain, Sharon Caine, Alice Wray, Shirley Woods, Shirley Wood, Sharon Cane, Sharon Cain, Jennifer Walker, Jennifer Holmes, Sheri Vaughan, Sharon Maiberg, Sharn Kane
Anzahl Filme:1022 (31)
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Sharon Kane (* 24. Februar 1956 in Ohio, USA) ist eine amerikanische Pornodarstellerin und Regisseurin.

Filmografie als Regisseurin

Titel Studio Jahr
Bondage Artist Harmony Concepts 1998
Bondage Nudes In Love Harmony Concepts 1998
Bondage Ranch Harmony Concepts 1998
Bondagettes Next Door Harmony Concepts
Burglary And Bondage Harmony Concepts 1998
Club Lez In Hand Video 1990
Godmother All Worlds 1991
Mistress Kane's Transsexual Secrets Bizarre Video 1999
Neighborhood Snoop Harmony Concepts 1997
New Girl On The Block Harmony Concepts 1998
Nude Bondage Fantasies Fulfilled Harmony Concepts 1999
Nude Bondage Goddess Worship Harmony Concepts 1999
Nude Bondage International Harmony Concepts 1998
Nude Bondage Maid Service Harmony Concepts 1998
Nude Bondage Online Harmony Concepts 1998
Nude Bondage Personal Ad Harmony Concepts 1998
Nude Bondage Real Time Harmony Concepts 1998
Nude Bondage Rehab Harmony Concepts 1998
Nude Bondage Tea Party Harmony Concepts 1998
Nude Love Bondage Afternoon Harmony Concepts 1999
Opera Whip Me - Live! Bizarre Video 1999
Playing With the Plumber Harmony Concepts 1997
Recording Studio Bondagettes Harmony Concepts 1998
Sharon's Afternoon Delight Harmony Concepts 1998
Sharon's Nude Bondage Maid Harmony Concepts 1998
She Likes Them Naked And Tied Harmony Concepts 1998
Stairway To Paradise VCA 1990
T/S Files Bizarre Video 1999
Teach Me Please Harmony Concepts 1997
Unsuspecting Neighbor Harmony Concepts 1999
Workplace Diversions Harmony Concepts 1998



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  • Sharon-Kane-Filme auf DVD bestellen

Als Regisseurin: